Policies & Procedures

Safety, Health and Hygiene

Cygnets Pre-School aims to promote a healthy lifestyle for all children and adults within its sessions. In order to prevent the spread of infections, all staff will ensure that good practices are maintained. The safety of children and adults is paramount and strict adult/child ratios are adhered to, in line with OFSTED. We have a large number of risk assessments which cover all activities/areas.


Equal Opportunities

We operate an equal opportunities policy, which aims to meet the needs of every child. Our aim is to ensure that every member of the Cygnets community is regarded as being of equal worth, irrespective of race, gender, learning disability, religion or physical disability. Activities are planned so that all children have access to a broad, varied and challenging curriculum. The full detailed policy is available on the notice board.

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Special Educational Needs

When a concern arises about a child, either initiated from home or Cygnets, we aim to work in partnership with the family from the earliest possible stage.

Child Protection Procedures

We have a Child Protection Policy, which we follow if we have concerns about a child’s welfare. As an OFSTED- registered provider we are also required to note any injuries that a child may have when they arrive at Cygnets and a member of staff will ask for your signature on the file notes. Parents receive a copy of all notes made about any incidents or injuries while attending Cygnets.


 Religious Education

We live in a multicultural society and it is our aim to help children to develop an awareness, understanding and respect for the rich diversity of the local community, celebrating each other’s differences.


Sex Education

While no formal sex education is given at this stage, we aim to help children’s understanding by answering their questions sensitively and honestly in a manner appropriate to their age. 

For example:

•       Encouraging an understanding of how to keep healthy and an awareness of their own bodies.

•       Learning about life cycles and care of the natural world.



We promote positive behaviour through role-modelling, praise and recognition.


 Complaint’s procedure

Our intention is to work in partnership with parents/carers and the community generally, and we welcome suggestions on how to improve our group at any time. Many concerns can be resolved quickly by an informal approach to the appropriate member of staff. If this does not achieve the desired result, our full Complaints Procedure can be followed.

 We understand that it can be difficult to discuss worries about your child, but the earlier a difficulty is identified the sooner we can try to help. So please discuss any concerns you may have, however small they may seem – and we will do our best to provide support for you and your child’s individual needs.
