Continuous Provision
When it comes to having displays we do use wall displays but sometimes we have moveable displays e.g. a lattice trellis with string and pegs on or flip books to look at.
At Cygnets we try not enhance our environment every week as we take away some of the opportunity for children to be independent and creative. Children will begin to only 'do' whats been set up by an adult in that area. For example if there is always a challenge for children to make an adult led craft in the junk modelling space they will stop thinking for themselves and never decide to make 'a lanyard with their name on it' because they want to play 'teachers!'.
We aim to looks for children’s interest or fascination and think of how we can enhance it with a provocation that deepens and extends the children’s learning.
Play helps young children to learn and develop their physical, social, emotional and intellectual skills through doing and talking, which research has shown to be the means by which young children learn to think. It is also how they learn to socialise, as children engage in learning through play experiences with other children and adults.
Children will explore their own developing levels of curiosity through the awe and wonder of their environments. We embed the three prime areas of learning by immersing children in joyful experiences, reflecting and deepening their diverse and multi-cultural lives. We provide a broad range of real-life experiences in order to build the foundation level of skills to take children to their next steps and beyond. Through an engaging, vibrant environment, strong relationships are fostered in a safe space.
In the moment planning allows us to follow the children, still hit the objectives we want to cover by initially mapping out our objectives and then working ‘in the moment’! A small percentage of activities are adult directed as this helps to develop key skills such as Phonics/Maths. Adult-led also supports interventions assisting more specific individual/group targets (helping to fill gaps) but also helping to consolidate and develop children’s knowledge further. Adult directed activities relate to the educational outcomes reflected in the Early Years Learning Framework. These learning experiences are followed up with practical hands-on experience both indoors and outdoors.
All other learning is through child-led play giving children opportunities to progress their next milestone. We provide opportunities for children to explore their passions and interests both inside and outside through real-life experiences, to learn and rehearse knowledge to be able to apply this through taught skills. Developing a love of reading is key and often our adult led plans incorporate themes such as ‘Lifecycles’ and a quality well-loved story will be at the heart of it e.g. ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’.
We encourage all children to participate at their own level and that they have time and space to experience activities/resources. Children are encouraged to further develop their roles within play, with teachers/key persons extending their learning at every opportunity as learning can take place anywhere.