Admissions & Fees
Waiting List Form:
It is our intention to make Cygnets Preschool inclusive to as many children (between the ages of two and four, right up to Reception year) and families from all sections of the local community as possible. We aim to ensure that all sections of our community have access to the Preschool through open, fair and clearly communicated procedures. Everyone is valued and treated fairly and equally and in order to achieve this aim, we operate the following admission policy:
Places will be offered in line with our admissions policy and if a place becomes available for your child, you will be contacted directly. We ensure that the existence of our Preschool is advertised in places accessible to all sections of our community
We ensure that information about our Preschool is accessible – in written and spoken form – and, where possible, in different languages, in braille or through BSL or an interpreter
It is our policy to offer a place and admit a child during the term after they reach the age of 2 years
Our main intake is September and also in January and April, if places are available
A parent/carer may defer the start until a time suitable for them and their child, however it is not guaranteed that a space would be available
Admittance to Cygnets Preschool does not guarantee a place at Langford Village Primary School Nursery or in their Reception class
We treat each child and their family fairly, regardless of their gender, age, additional educational needs, disabilities, background, religion, and ethnicity or with English being a newly acquired additional language, equally and fairly
Cygnets Preschool enables children and/or parents/carers with disabilities to take part in the life of the setting
We monitor the gender and ethnic background of children joining the setting to ensure that our intake is representative of social economic status
We make our Equal Opportunities/Equality and Diversity Policy readily available
We are flexible about attendance patterns to accommodate the needs of individual children and families; and we adhere to our Safeguarding Children and Child Protection Policy and if a child comes into the setting with any injury, however small e.g., a bump, bruise, mark etc., we will record it and ask them how it happened and liaise with parent/carer if appropriate
Fees from April 2024
Cygnets is a non-profit making charity and is therefore entirely dependent upon income from fees, fundraising and donations.
2 year olds - £7.50 per hour / £22.50 per am or pm 3 hour session and £48.75 per day
3-4 year olds - £6.50 per hour / £19.50 per 3 hour am or pm 3 hour session / £22.75 per 3.5 hour session am or pm and £42.25 per day