World Ocean Day
World Oceans Day, on June 8, is all about protecting the ocean.
A healthy planet needs a healthy ocean, but our waters face huge risks from overfishing, climate change, and plastic pollution.
Plastic water bottles, straws, and bags might be part of our everyday life. But that single-use plastic doesn't disappear when you're done with it: Most ends up in the ocean, where it can entangle animals or make them sick - Luckily, we can help and help fight pollution!
Miss Mariola read a bilingual story called ‘Sea Animals’ by Olga Ritchie in both English and Polish. The children found out about what animals live in the sea and she talked about the animal names in both English and Polish!
We have been exploring the concept of plastic pollution in the ocean in a child-friendly way. We made up a small tub of water added some plastic sea creatures and lots of shredded paper and the children had to try and remove the paper pollution using their fine motor skills - squeezing tongs to pick up and place rubbish in a bin and free the sea animals.
We have been watching non fiction short video's online of how pollution affects the ocean life and also how we can all help. We have also been reading key texts such as Barry the Fish with Fingers, Somebody swallowed Stanley and Saving Tally. All tell the story of the problem of ocean plastics through the eyes of sea creatures.