
There has been several reports of several children having seizures whilst in early years provisions and so we wanted to share the following information to offer guidance and support:

 Seeing a child or young person having a seizure can be frightening. However, most do not cause serious harm. The commonest type of seizure in young children is a febrile convulsion and is usually associated with a high temperature. They are most common in children under the age of five. Young children can suffer from various common illnesses and infections, such as colds, ear infections, tonsillitis, kidney or urine infections. These can cause very high temperatures and occasionally lead to a febrile convulsion.

 To find out more about seizures please read the information below:

Fits (seizures) :: Oxfordshire Healthier Together

What to do if someone has a seizure (fit) - NHS

Nursery World - An essential guide to febrile seizures

Sometimes seizures can occur without a fever (Afebrile Seizure). 

Please see this leaflet for more information: following_a_first_seizure_without_fever_in_cyp_parent_2019


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